March 22nd, 2008
From time to time, people ask me how to “cut edges” in AC3D since the way AC3D handles edges is a bit different than other programs. Usually, I use the Divide Loop plug-in which is normally the fastest, easiest way to go. But, every now and then you get an edge that isn’t well suited for Divide Loop. In these cases, I use a combination of Insert Vertex and Slice Surface.
This video shows you how:
A QUICK SIDE NOTE: It is much faster to use the hotkeys (ctrl+shift+I and ctrl+shift+L) than it is to use the menus… the whole process can be completed in only a few seconds if you use the hotkeys. However, for the sake of clarity, I use the menus in the video so you can actually see what I’m doing. 🙂
Tags: ac3d, cg, cgi, computer graphics, cut edge, divide loop, insert vertex, slice edge, surface, tutorial, vertice
Posted in 3D Tutorials, General | Comments Off on How to Cut Edges and Add Loops in AC3D
March 21st, 2008
My son to my daughter when she started a bandwidth-intensive game while he was web-surfing on a different computer:
“Quit hogging the Internet!”
It amazes me how far we’ve come in such a short time for the Internet and concepts like bandwidth to be so commonplace that kids could have an argument like this. 🙂
Tags: bandwidth, Internet, kids, quote of the day, web
Posted in General | Comments Off on How Fast the World Changes
March 7th, 2008
Looking to do some good while you earn your gamer points? According to Kotaku, RagingJellyBean of the Femmes Fatales needs a new kidney. The Femmes Fatales will be hosting a Halo 3 tournament on March 22, 2008 to help raise money towards the medical costs. The tournament will be 4 vs 4 and 1 vs 1 elimination. Entry fee is $10.
– Read more about it
– Sign up for the tournament at Gaming for Others
Tags: bungie, gaming for others, halo 3, kidney transplant, video games
Posted in General | Comments Off on More Excuses to Play Halo
March 6th, 2008
If you’re into reverse engineering biological systems–in my mind, one of the most fun parts about AI programming–this talk by Drew Endy is absolutely a blast. Also be sure to check out the BioBricks project at or download the actual “bricks” at the MIT Registry of Standard Biological Parts.
The BioBricks are sequences of DNA described in a standardized, open-source format where each sequence represents a single, interchangeable part or “device”. A data sheet is provided for each device that describes what it does and what its tolerances and parameters are, etc., similar to the data sheet for an electronics part. Like an electronic component, devices can be combined together to make more complicated structures. When you’re finished designing your device, the sequenced DNA can be inserted as a plasmid into a suitable host cell and used to make all kinds of cool stuff, like this biological film where the bacteria change color in response to light.

Hello World displayed by light-sensitive, color-changing eColi
Posted in Code Snippets, General | Comments Off on BioHacking
March 4th, 2008
Gary Gygax, one of the co-creators of Dungeons and Dragons alongside Dave Arneson, passed away in his home today at age 69. Well-known for his founding contributions to the ever-popular genre of fantasy and role playing games, Gyax wrote, published and was otherwise involved in more than 80 games, related products and books enjoyed by millions of hobbiests worldwide.
When I was in elementary school, my parents didn’t have money for lunch money so I washed dishes in the school cafeteria. Because I had to work the lunch line during the time when I would normally have lunch, I had to stay in during recess to eat. A Korean boy and a few other children were in the same situation. We used to play D&D together while we ate, and we had a lot of fun anyway even though we couldn’t go outside. I kept those friends all the way through high school and beyond. Thanks, Gary, for the good times. We’ll miss you.
Original forum announcement from Troll Lord Games
CNN News summary
Tags: ad&d, dungeons and dragons, Gary Gygax, Troll Lord Games, TSR, world of greyhawk
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