Posts Tagged ‘art’
Tuesday, May 27th, 2008
Remember growing up with paper and crayons when you were a kid? Remember handing your doodles to your parents to hang on the refrigerator? Ah, fond memories. Kids and art may be timeless, but the methods sure have changed! A true child of the digital age, my little girl just made her first 3D model and asked me if I would post it on my blog. So here it is. 🙂

It’s a candlestick. Pretty cool, eh?
Tags: 3d model, ac3d, art, cg, cgi, children, crayons, kids
Posted in General | Comments Off on Crayons for the New Millennium
Friday, January 18th, 2008

Click for larger view, or download the high-res image.
This image was 3D modeled in AC3D using the box modeling method. The textures were hand-painted (no photographs) in Corel Photopaint. The final image was rendered with Poser using image-based lighting.
Tags: 3d model, ac3d, aquarium, aquatic life, art, cg, cgi, computer graphics, corel, Gallery, Poser, sea horse
Posted in Gallery, General | Comments Off on Gallery: Sea Horse
Sunday, October 14th, 2007
New to 3D? Make sure you know which axis is “up” with this primer on 3D coordinate systems. (more…)
Tags: 3d, art, coordinate systems, math, tutorial
Posted in 3D Tutorials, General | Comments Off on Which Way is Up?
Friday, October 12th, 2007

Click for larger view, or download the high-res image.Did this the other day, just practicing some sketching myself! This image was painted in Corel PhotoPaint with a Wacom tablet. Unlike most of my work, it does not have any 3D elements–I’m trying to improve my skills at drawing people, especially trouble-points like mouths and noses, so this is a purely a 2D work. For some real fun, watch the time-lapse video of the creation of this image. I really love UNDO. 🙂
Tags: art, daniel radcliffe, Gallery, harry potter, life drawing, sketch, speed painting, time lapse painting
Posted in Gallery, General | 2 Comments »
Tuesday, October 9th, 2007
If you want to excel as a 3D artist, one of the best things you can do is to learn how to draw.
Most experts recommend gesture drawing and life drawing as the most important exercises. I’d agree, and I don’t think you can ever get enough practice at either. Even if you don’t think you are any good at it, you should still do it. Drawing is an important exercise in “visually dissecting” an object. It’s not about what goes on the paper; it is about learning to be observant.
Tags: 3d model, art, draw, gestures, life drawing, sketch, tutorial
Posted in 3D Tutorials, General | Comments Off on Want to Be a Great 3D Artist? Pick Up a Pencil.