AC3D Plugin: Pivot Tools

November 12th, 2007

This plug-in collection adds a series of tools to AC3D that allow you to manage object pivots more effectively. With this plug-in set, you can: Set an object pivot to the highlighted vertex, zero the object pivot, rotate around the pivot instead of the centroid (numerically), or manually enter a pivot location. These functions are very helpful for setting up your model for animation or import into games.

Download the plugin. (Requires Windows XP, AC3D 6.2 or above.)

GDC Already?

November 10th, 2007

In case you missed it, the annual Game Developer’s Conference is early this year! The conference is usually held in March, but this year it runs from February 18-22 in San Francisco, California. Alumni early-registration deadline is December 5.

Cats in Zero-G

November 8th, 2007

An amusing excerpt I ran across from the essay collection A Step Further Out, by Jerry Pournelle:

And prior to (the) Mercury (program) we hadn’t any real experience at all. We flew transport planes in parabolic courses that might give as much as 30 seconds of almost-zero-g, and that was all we knew. I will not soon forget some of our early low-g experiments. Some genius wanted to know how a cat oriented: visual cues, or a gravity sensor? The obvious way to find out was to take a cat up in an airplane, fly the plane in a parabolic orbit, and observe the cat during the short period of zero-g.

It made sense. Maybe. It didn’t make enough that anyone would authorize a large airplane for the experiment, so a camera was mounted in a small fighter (perhaps a T-bird; I forget), and the cat was carried along in the pilot’s lap. A movie was made of the whole run.

The film, I fear, doesn’t tell us how a cat orients. It shows the pilot frantically trying to tear the cat off his arm, and the cat just as violently resisting. Eventually the cat was broken free and let go in mid-air, where it seemed magically (teleportation? or not really zero gravity in the plane? no one knows) to move, rapidly, straight back to the pilot, claws outstretched. This time there was no tearing it loose at all. The only thing I learned from the film is that cats (or this one anyway) don’t like zero gravity, and think human beings are the obvious point of stability to cling to.

Which leaves me with only one question:

If you wanted to know if it was visual cues, wouldn’t it have been easier to just blindfold the cat? 😉

Escaping Through Air Vents, Not Just for Movies

November 7th, 2007

I found this great blog by screen writer John August. It’s full of tips and tricks for budding writers, and it’s a fun read. I about fell out of my chair laughing when I read this:

One day, I’d love to win an Oscar. An Emmy. A Tony Award. But if all I accomplished in my screenwriting life were reducing the number of times characters climbed through air vents, I’d consider my work successful.

Mr. August contends that “air ducts are for air” and shouldn’t be used as a magical escape mechanism for characters in otherwise hopeless circumstances.

Now some may argue that people do fit in air vents, but it’s hard to disagree… It’s a silly cliché and it’s used much too often not only in movies but in games, too. I can’t count the number of times I’ve climbed through air vents in games of all kinds. Nonetheless, I don’t like to blindly dismiss concepts either. For example, there are very rare times when even climbing through ducts makes sense: AVP on the Atari Jaguar is a brilliant example. Allowing players as the alien to climb through the ducts added game play that wouldn’t have existed otherwise.

It intrigues me how many Hollywood clichés have made their way into video games. I can’t help but wonder how long until video game clichés start regularly making their way into movies. I guess we’ll know the first time a movie opens with an ammo crate and a pork chop on the ground.

Quick, Quick, Rewind!

November 5th, 2007

I admit it. I love cars. I don’t read all the latest car news–I rely on my brother to pass on just the juicy bits–but I can tell you the difference between a turbo charger and a super charger, and I’ve even helped my brother replace an engine or two.

A couple of weeks ago, Wired posted an article about Alex Roy’s record breaking race across the county. In a car that would make the Batmobile feel under-equipped, Roy and his co-pilot shrieked from New York to Los Angeles determined to beat the real-life “cannonball run” record of 32 hours and 7 minutes. Their final time? 31 hours and 4 minutes coast to coast. Joyously, they video taped the whole thing.

Yes, I know, illegal street racing is wrong. I don’t disagree, and I tell every kid I know who wants to race about Firebird Raceway’s run what ya’ brung nights in the hopes that it will keep one more kid from getting killed.

Just the same, I’m still dying to know how these guys did it. On a lark, I popped over today to the 32 hours site to see if the video was out yet. The video is not available yet, but the trailer is.

I was mindlessly watching the trailer when suddenly I saw a familiar face I wasn’t expecting. Wait… that couldn’t be! Quick, rewind. I looked again. Could that be… Will Wright?

Another chat about procedural animation in Spore? Surprise! This one’s about fitting larger fuel tanks into a Mazda RX-7.

Sure enough, it was. I’ve been in the same room as Will Wright before, and that certainly looked like him. Rattling around in the dusty corners of my mind, something about Will Wright and illegal street racing seemed vaguely familiar, so I looked it up. And there it was: Will Wright was the winner of the 1980 “US Express” race, with a cross country time of 33 hours and 39 minutes.

And here, I thought my post about cross-country illegal street racing was going to be totally off-topic to game development. What a small world it is!